The Trollbeads World Tour Japan beads were released on the 16th of September 2011.

Trollbeads World Tour Japan


  • Noh Mask: a silver bead showing three Noh masks. These masks are used in a Japanese traditional entertainment “Noh”
  • Blooming Sakura: glass bead showing cherry blossoms
  • Rising Sun: representing the Japanese flag
  • Sacred House

Trollbeads World Tour Japan



Bead Sensation offers a wide selection of OOAK Trollbeads, Limited Edition Trollbeads and Retired Trollbeads to collectors all over the world.  My intention is to make online Trollbeads World Tour shopping easy and pleasant. It is my pleasure to present a collection of World Tour Trollbeads that I know will entice even the most discerning of Trollbeads fanatics.

View our Trollbeads World Tour beads here!

Looking forward to seeing you soon!

Bead Sensation

your Trollbeads specialist!


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